CPB Calls For Popular Front Alliance

The message from the CPB executive meeting was clear at the weekend:

No return to neoliberal big business as usual

International Secretary John Foster warned that recovery from the crisis is likely to be grossly uneven, more severe than the financial crash and recession of 2008 and will only benefit capitalist monopolies.

We have far fewer hospital beds and far higher COVID death rates than socialist Cuba, China or Vietnam - but without the capacity to manufacture ventilators, Personal Protective Equipment and testing kits on anything like the scale needed

He pointed out that cancelling the renewal of Trident could free up £150bn which should be invested in areas such as health, social and emergency services and productive industries, and that it was essential that Britain was free from EU rules on state aid, competitive tendering and free movement of capital by the end of the year for this to be achieved.

He urged trade unions, trades councils, People’s Assembly, CND and other campaigning groups to build a ‘Popular Front’ alliance against Tory policies that put the interests of monopoly capital above the needs of working people and families.

Recruitment to the CPB is at it’s highest level since the 2003 Iraq War, with more than 60 people applying to join the party in April alone.