Fascists Attack Morning Star Street Stall in Hull

Trade unionists will hold an emergency meeting in Hull on Thursday to discuss the threat of the far-right EDL following an attack on a Morning Star stall at the weekend, writes John Millington.

The trades union council is expected to call for a show of strength by union members and anti-fascists in the city over the jubilee weekend to tell the fascists they have no place in the city.

EDL thugs had been active in recent weeks handing out leaflets with some locals accusing them of being threatening and abusive.
But events escalated at the weekend when 25 EDL members launched an unprovoked attack on the weekly Morning Star stall in the city.
Police intervened as outnumbered activists stood their ground refusing to be intimidated by the assault.

A spokesman for the East Yorkshire and Humberside Communist Party branch who did not want to be named said: “It is very clear the EDL, National Front and fascist intimidation of Communist Party, trade unionists and Morning Star activism can’t go unchallenged.

“At a time of increased fascist confidence, a mass movement to defeat the far-right is more necessary than ever.”

Reblogged via: Morning Star