EVENT: Bolton Trades Union Council Public Meeting

What: Hands off our pensions: Education and Civil Service Unions prepare to strike
When: 6.30pm, Wednesday 15 June,
Where: Lancaster Suite, Bolton Town Hall


· David Brown - North West Pensioners Association
· Bernadette Gallagher - Bolton Unison
· Barry Linguard - Bolton ATL
· Pete Middleman - North West PCS
· Avis Gilmore - North West NUT

The fight to defend public service pensions has already begun. Education Trades Unions, ATL, NUT & UCU along with Civil Service Trades Union PCS are currently preparing for co-ordinated industrial action on 30th June. It is estimated that around 800,000 workers could be on strike that day. This will be the first co-ordinated strike action we have seen under the Cameron government.


All public service workers should support this action. On 26th March thousands of public service workers demonstrated along with pensioners, students and others protesting against the cuts. Now is the time to protest alongside the teachers and civil servants. More information: boltontuc@hotmail.co.uk